Old Q+A
Q + A
Many people have asked for more details about Kosher Conscience and how it will operate, so we wanted to take this opportunity to give you more information:
How is this meat treated more humanely?
The founding philosophy of Kosher Conscience is the humane treatment of the animal at every stage. What that means is that, while it’s excellent to have grass-fed or even organic meat, those distinctions do not cover the full range of the animal’s treatment.
Our animals will:
1) Be free- or pasture-raised and grass fed. This means that will live the way animals are supposed to live- out in a field, eating grass that they can walk around freely to get. During the winter, some animals may be housed in a barn and fed stored grass or hay (we are trying to avoid grain for the most part and there will be no corn, which is destructive to the digestive system of cattle). This is necessary for them to stay out of the cold! They will never be in feed-lots or pumped with hormones or anti-biotics.
2) Be safely transported. They will not be crammed into cattle cars or trucks but transported safely and as comfortably as possible. All transport is somewhat stressful to the animal, since it does not understand what’s happening. We will therefore work to minimize this stress and give the animal time to relax after being transported.
3) Slaughtered humanely and painlessly. Animals will not be present when other animals are being slaughtered. Additionally, we are working with various halachic authorities and shochtim (ritual slaughterers) to utilize a shechitah method that causes minimal stress to the animal prior to the cut. Traditional shechitah involves turning the animal over, which is very stressful. There are ways to shecht an animal and keep it upright. This will not be a “conveyor belt” slaughter, with animals being rushed in and out to make quota. Animals will be moved with a minimum of stress and will have the proper time, care and attention devoted to them to make sure everything goes smoothly and painlessly.
Where does the meat come from?
We are currently talking to several farms in New York State to be the providers of our beef, cattle and poultry. These are all family run operations who work under the same guiding principles we do and believe in our philosophy.
What’s the cost?
The cost has yet to be determined, since it will depend both on our volume and on the transportation and shechitah costs, which are still being worked out. But we are hoping to provide this meat for no more than what you pay in the supermarket now. There will be a yearly fee for joining the co-op, which we estimate to be around $25 per person.
What’s the hashgacha (kosher certification)?
The hashgacha will be a private hechsher (certification) that is beyond reproach. The people we are speaking with now have shechted for several gedolei ha’dor (reknown Torah scholars). Once details are finalized, we will publicize who the Rav HaMachshir (certifying Rabbi) is.
Where will/can the meat be picked up?
We will do our best to accommodate all customer members as best we can. At first, the pick up will most likely be in Manhattan but we hope to be able to add Brooklyn very quickly if not immediately.
How can we contact you?
For now, the best way to contact us is through admin@kosherconscience.com If you want to talk to someone on the phone, please email your name, phone number and any questions you have and someone will get in touch with you.
How can I help?
Ah, the million dollar question! No co-op can function without the help of its members. We will certainly need folks to staff the pick-up points on days when meat comes in. We may also need volunteers to help with logistics, orders, and potentially even accompanying the meat from the farm to NYC on occasion. If you have something specific you’d like to do, please let us know.
We will be sending out a questionnaire shortly that will help us gain a better understanding of what you want out of the co-op. Please make every effort to fill it out and return it to us.
When will you start?
We are hoping to be up and running by the Fall of 2007. This is a good time to start, as animals are usually slaughtered in the Fall, and we’d like to start providing meat as soon as possible.
Upcoming Events
As some of you may know, Hazon www.hazon.org is holding a food conference at Isabella Freedman Retreat Center www.isabellafreedman.org on Shabbat Channukah, Dec 7-9th. I will be Co-Chairing the Conference as well as speaking there about the co-op and the work we’ve been doing. I know it’s quite a trek, so I don’t expect you to come up, but I wanted you to know about the Conference and the visibility this issue is starting to get in the Jewish community!
If you have any questions, please feel free to be in touch. And spread the word to your friends and neighbors.
With blessings and thanks,
Simon Feil
Kosher Conscience, Administrator