Humane Slaughter Fieldtrips
What better way to educate yourself and your community, family and friends about how the shechitah process works, and how all the elements fit together to bring kosher meat to your table then to witness it yourself?
What does it mean for an animal to be humanely raised and slaughtered for food? How is this done “Jewishly” or kosher?
You’ve read about kashrut, shechitah and even what “glatt” kosher means, but you don’t know what it looks like!
You keep kosher, you know what those words mean and you still don’t know what it looks like!
These experiential fieldtrips are designed for small groups, allowing them to both witness and partake (if they choose) in the process of creating humane, kosher meat. Options will include:
- poultry (visiting the farm were they are raised, preparing them for shechitah, witnessing the shechitah and then assisting with the plucking and processing if desired.)
- goat or lamb (visiting the farm were they are raised, preparing them for shechitah, witnessing the shechitah and then assisting with the processing if desired)
- beef (visiting the slaughterhouse where they are shechted and processed, witnessing the shechitah as well as the various checks done to verify kashrut, and then assisting with the processing if desired. Farm visits may also be possible upon request).
These will be day long experiences. Some of the meat may also be available to take home or consume, but our focus will be on education and experience. There will be a shochet present, as well as an experienced educational mediator to walk your group through the experience in a meaningful, consciously-paced manner as well as to answer any questions you may have.
Together, we will visit a small farm (for chickens) or slaughterhouse (for beef or lamb) and witness first hand what the process of bringing an animal to slaughter means and what it can look like when done humanely.
Groups are limited by size based on the facility to be visited and other considerations. Private groups can customize their experience based on their educational goals. Contact us for more details.